Contact management

Manage your contacts and start gaining subscribers - Easymailing

Did you know that a good lead base is one of a company’s main assets? Discover how much Easymailing can do for your contact portfolio.
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Gestión de contactos

Organize your contacts by groups

Groups are labels or categories with which you can organize and classify your subscribers visually within your audiences.
You can export or segment them and send campaigns to one or more groups.

Add custom fields

Segment your database with custom fields. Specify the type of field to be included in your database, its level of importance and write the text that will accompany it. You can create multiple types of fields: text, date, numeric, drop-down or language among many other options.

Advanced targeting

Define the target of your campaigns with maximum precision. Segment by geolocation, activities, gender, preferences, subscription origin, consent, etc. Easymailing helps you qualify your contacts to improve your conversion rate and obtain maximum benefits.

  • Send to each subscriber only the information that is of interest to him or her
  • Build subscriber loyalty
  • Customize your marketing strategy for better results