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What is HTML?

April 29, 2024

HTML, short for HyperText Markup Language (in Spanish, Lenguaje de Marcado de Hipertexto), is a fundamental pillar of any website. It is a standard language that structures and presents content. Similarly, it is essential in all areas of digital marketing and email marketing. Below, we’ll explain what HTML is and provide several resources to help you start mastering it.

What does HTML mean?

Let’s begin by defining what HTML is and what it’s for. As mentioned earlier, it is the markup language used to create many websites. It allows developers to define the structure and content of a page using tags and elements.

Basic HTML concepts

Due to its technical nature, the term HTML can be difficult to understand for many people. However, it’s essential for offering the best possible user experience. For this reason, it’s helpful to explore the key concepts surrounding it.

What is the HTML language?

HTML is a set of tags and syntax rules that structure a website's content. These tags define the hierarchy and organization of elements on the page.

What is an HTML tag?

HTML tags are elements that mark up content within an HTML document. Each tag has a specific function and can contain attributes that provide additional information about the element.

What is an HTML file?

An HTML file is a plain text document that contains HTML code. This file defines the structure and content of a webpage and can be created and edited with a simple text editor or specialized web development software.

What is the HTML format?

The HTML format refers to how content is structured and presented on a website using tags and HTML elements. This includes the layout of text, images, links, and other components within the document.

What is a div in HTML?

A div in HTML (represented in code as <div>) is an element used to group and organize other elements on a page. It’s commonly used to create containers that allow styles and designs to be applied using CSS.

What is a span in HTML?

Similarly, a span in HTML (represented as <span> in code) is an element used to apply styles or manipulate specific parts of content within an HTML document. Unlike <div>, <span> is used to style or select text within a paragraph or another element.

Tips and resources to start mastering HTML

To begin mastering HTML, it’s important to understand the concepts detailed above and practice them regularly. Here are several useful tips and resources for working with and mastering HTML:

  • Practice writing HTML code. The best way to learn HTML is by practicing. Create simple web pages and experiment with different tags and elements.

  • Use online resources. There are many online resources available to learn HTML, including tutorials, official documentation, and developer communities.

  • Explore HTML5. HTML5 is the latest version of the HTML standard and offers new features and functionalities. Learning HTML5 will help you keep your knowledge up to date and leverage the latest technologies.

  • Experiment with CSS and JavaScript. In addition to HTML, it’s useful to acquire basic knowledge of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript to develop interactive and visually appealing web pages.

Mastering HTML is the first step to becoming a competent web developer or managing your website and email templates yourself. With dedication and practice, you will master this fundamental language and create incredible web experiences.