Before explaining what CRO is, it is very important that you first know what the conversion rate is.
The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your site who complete a given action. For example, this can be purchasing a product or service, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter. These types of actions are called conversions.
Therefore, a high conversion rate means that your website is well designed and offers good usability, and that the content on it is attractive and interesting to your audience. To find out your conversion rate, simply divide the number of conversions by the number of visits your website receives. Multiply that number by 100 and you’ll get the percentage.
Now that this concept is clear, you can better understand CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization. This is the process of improving and optimizing a website and its content to get visitors to perform certain actions (those you have ve set as your goals) and generate conversions. In other words, it aims to optimize the conversion rate.
Why is CRO so important?
The conversion rate is one of the most important email marketing metrics of all E-commerce and website. The CRO aims, through the application of a set of techniques, to improve the performance of a website in relation to its conversion rate.
Conversion rate optimization is essential, because if a website does not convert, it doesn’t matter how much traffic it receives because it is not generating results.
In the specific case of E-commerce, these results are sales. The main goal of an online store’s CRO will always be to generate more revenue.
But CRO Marketing doesn’t just help you sell more. Here are some examples of what Conversion Rate Optimization can do for your business:
Generate more leads through visits to your blog
Getting your visitors to share more of your content on their social media
Convert more readers to subscribers
Get more followers from your social networks
Increase the number of page views and the time spent on them
Get more people to attend a webinar or download an ebook
How to increase the CRO?
To optimize your conversion rate you have to make sure that browsing your website is easy, fast and intuitive. In addition, users must be able to find the products, services and content they need in it.
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary investigation and analyze:
Your audience
Where did they come from and how did they get to your site?
What pages did they visit?
How much time has been spent on them?
What is their intention or reason for visiting your site?
Which users have become your customers?
Which users have abandoned your page without finishing the conversion (leaving the action of filling out the form halfway, or abandoning the shopping cart, for example)?
Which items convert the least?
Which channel has reported lower conversions?
Conversion on mobile devices
Once you have been able to identify the improvements your website needs, you can take small actions to optimize your conversion rate:
A/B TestingThanks to
A/B testing you can check if the changes you make to your website have positive results or not. That is why this tool is essential for CRO. Want to know more about A/B Testing?Heat maps: This tool is used to visually represent how visitors move around your site and how they interact with it. It allows you to obtain valuable information about the areas of greatest visual impact, the most clicked pages and in general, the movement of the mouse over your page.